Inspiring the Future
ORIENTAL EXPRESS has identified the niche between conventional dining and safer more convenient options that bring families together.
ORIENTAL EXPRESS has identified the niche between conventional dining and safer more convenient options that bring families together.
Quality to Your Door.
ORIENTAL EXPRESS has identified the niche between conventional dining and safer more convenient options that bring families together. We continue to savour the past by delivering our original Durban Curry to your door.
We have now introduced an original and innovative PREMIUM FROZEN RANGE. This range includes ready to cook Durban Curries and our homemade Premium Frozen Samoosas
Our Premium Spice Range gives those aspiring cooks the opportunity to cook an Authentic Durban Curry in the comfort of their own homes. Our premium blends of spices are specifically mixed to cater for any of our Authentic Durban Curry options.
Experience our Authentic Durban Recipe’s at home!
The hallmark of Authentic Durban Curry are the spices. Spices give aroma, colour, flavour and texture to food. Each spice has a unique ability to create flavour which is why each of our curries has its own unique blend of spices.